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Healthy Relations

Emily's mom is a school counselor. She came to a meeting and we talked about friendship, for example how to be a good friend. She brought poster board and magazines and we cut out pictures to make posters showing people having good relationships - talking to each other and doing activities together and being kind to each other.

We also read a book called "The Hundred Dresses", by Eleonor Estes. It was written a long time ago. It is about a girl called Wanda who was teased at school because she said she had a hundred dresses and the other girls knew it was not true. One of the girls who teased her felt guilty when Wanda suddenly left the school. She decided she would always stand up for kids
who were being teased. That is a very hard thing to do.

We had a discussion about the book. For example, we talked about whether it is a good idea to wear school uniform. 

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Last modified: October 29, 2001